
Winter Inside!

With a lost gaze, he wanders around, Trying to steal an ounce of warmth that melts the winter in him! For him, it seems like the world is being showered with love and laughter   Except for the space wherever he is struck.   For him, the spring has always been a rumor,   And he’s a captive of endless winter,   The winter that’s covered in pale snow,   Making his insides feel too cold and dry;   The illusion of solitude stayed with him briefly   And left him freezing in that empty, cruel space alone!   He thinks that this winter is contagious,   It kidnaps all the people around him if he talks about it!   He believes that it swallows man as a whole,   Creating a whirlpool of emotions,   Pulling them into a noiseless, colorless world   Without a trace of the joyous, warm world that once existed!   Not dragging anyone into this mess is his kind of protection.   He wonders why everyone says emptiness is a dark space,   And ponders if it were true, it might have been peaceful   To hide insid


  ‘DREAMS’ are plants that grow into trees That shelter you in the long journey… ‘DREAMS’ are strong birds That takes you to the heights of the sky… ‘DREAMS’ are the sparks That put shine into your eyes… Yet, The same ‘DREAMS’ could be, The tree that would uproot your house; The heights from where you might have death fall; The sparks that would turn into burning flames;   Some ‘DREAMS’ are to be lived; Some ‘DREAMS’ are to be strived; Some ‘DREAMS’ are to be chased; Some ‘DREAMS’ are to be yearned; Some ‘DREAMS’ are to be fancied; Some ‘DREAMS’ are just to be dreamt; And yet, Some other ‘DREAMS’ are to be let go So that, you don’t get trapped in their roots; So that, you don’t shatter into unmendable pieces; So that, you don’t burn your soul in it; So that, you are not sucked off the last ounce of spirit…   Will it not be cowardice to let go of the DREAM? The DREAM that you have nurtured with LOVE PASSION DETERMINATION SA


 It was nice to meet you, “You” who was so ‘Me.’ The familiar loneliness that brushed over you was easier to get along with. It’s comfortable to see The same emptiness rooted within you that’s buried deep inside me; The futile attempts you made to fill the void in your heart; All the pretense you put on to hide the bleakness spread throughout your soul. I know, to seek solace in your sufferings is cruel, But, I think it’s comfortable to see a person who is as broken as me. When I say, we are the same kind of people, I mean, people with the same fears; people with the same pain; people with the same scars; people who are stuck in winter untouched by a moment of warmth; people abandoned under the scorching sun in a shadowless place; people who don’t feel like people amidst people; people who are gulped by an endless dark pit in every break time; people who need to keep their minds busy, so the voices inside shut down, so the screams inside get silenced by the busyness of the moment, so t


C  एक पन्ना था जिसमें मैने मेरा सपनों को लिखा था। वह सपना अब नहीं हैं। वह पन्ने में लिखा सपनों को लोगो ने मिठाया। यह कहकर के वह तो कुछ भी नहीं है। पर एक और पन्ना था वह मेरे दिल में, उस पन्नों में मेरी हज़ारों सपनों को लिखा है। उस पन्नों में दर्द, प्यार और छल भी थे। पर आज वह पन्ना फट चुका है। फिर से जोड़ने की कोशिश कर रहीं हूं, पर जुड़ नहीं रहा; उस पन्ने को फेंका, फिर एक और पन्ने में, दर्द, प्यार, छल और फिर मैंने मेरी नाम लिखा। उस पन्नों में हज़ारों सपनों को बचा कर रखा है। अब में उस पन्नों की फिकर कर रहीं हूं, जिसमें मेरा सपना और नाम लिखा है। एक पन्ना है जिसमें मेरा नाम और सपनों को लिखा है। -पौर्णमी कब्बिनहित्लु


    A daughter, A son; A sister, A brother; A student, A friend; A niece, A nephew; An aunt, An uncle; A wife, A husband; A mother, A father… The various hats worn by an individual.   These are the bars of the cage that holds you in; These are the rings of the chain that ties you down; These are the threads of the net that restrains your flight…   These are the tags that describe not what you are, Rather, what you should be. These are the tags that give you dead-weight responsibilities. These are the tags that birth all the expectations. These are the tags that influence the decisions you make. These are the tags that kill the individual in you!   Let’s forget the tags for a while And let go of all the expectations; Let’s unlayer the tags And  try to see the individual buried behind; Let’s forgive the individual Who is bound to make mistakes just like you and me. Let us liberate the spirit from all the bitterne

Way too much!!

She feels like her insides are rotten now, The darkness that surrounds her is getting darker with each passing seconds, Along with the intensity of numbness in her heart! She is giving up on the things slowly, unnoticeably!! She always felt way too much, Smallest things made her happy, And slightest change hurt her. Though happiest things were shared multiple times, When pain only pierced her in silence; All of it was being stacked inside her, And the tears were buried ruthlessly. All alone, almost everytime!! May be silence makes it worse. It happened so many times already that It became a habit, More like a Lifestyle!  She was immuned to the small doses of pain, The kind of doses that increased each time she takes in... Good thing was that this immunity made the pain feel less painful!! The desire of being accepted  Drove her to perfectionism; Which constantly fueled her insecurities!! In this long exhaustive process confident girl inside her was lost, Anxiousness took over rationali


  It hurts a lot when I realize that I’m no longer the ‘I’ whom I knew… The epiphany comes at the most unexpected moments Perhaps at the worst time? The untimely realization leaves me with nothing but wonders. I ponder how things had been by trying to remember the moments that I forgot with effort. I succeed in helping myself only with tidbits of memory, About which I’m no longer certain… It just feels like a nightmare or a dream… It just feels like a story once I’ve been told… And I wonder, How things once were so important to me are just ‘NOTHING’ today… For a second, I think the effort to forget had paid off… But, No! It was completely futile, Because had I not put the effort to forget, I would have forgotten the things altogether… So, now I’m making an effort To just let the things be… To let the time do its job To meet the strangers around as well as within… -Panchami Kabbinahitlu

A Chance to Apologize

  There he stands again with a bouquet of daisies that he could never give… He was too late to get a chance to apologize… Only teardrops were left to decorate that lifeless face; Does he even deserve to stand there?! He was blind to all the longings in the other’s eyes; He was deaf to all the pleadings; He was dumb when he was supposed to speak up for the other; He was the one who mercilessly walked away Leaving the other helpless, Taking away the sole reason to survive! His life changed forever at that moment… The pages of the calendar keep turning, But the page in the Book of Life never changed; There is no color left to ink the pages… The blue that dawned upon never vanished; The season remained the same Without the warmth of the sun, Without the sweet aroma of blossoms, Without the lullaby of birds, Without the colorful butterflies… Fate was so cruel to him that, Even the magic of time didn’t work on him Everything is as vivid as if it just


  I don’t know how people talk so easily; Say everything they think, With the words that feel just right! I can’t do this thing that everyone else can do; So I chose poetries, I chose photographs, And some paragraphs!! I silently listened to every word you say And noted down the things you loved, I excitedly learned about them, So that we can talk more, Hoping to spend some more time with you…   I used to smile just hearing your name, I used to be happy at the thought of your existence, I used to jump out of joy at your excitement, I used to not miss any minute expressions you make, I used to get curious about your curiosities!!   I thought we were close enough When we gave nicknames to each other, When we teased each other, When we trusted each other When you cried on my shoulder, When you started to share all your victories first with me, When we shared our silence quietly away from everyone Just us!! At all of those moments I trust

Heartless Me…

You said nothing… Even your eyes were unwilling to speak. A layer of water was shielding me From looking into the depth of your eyes. The uneven breathing, The trembling lips, I could see them all… The tightened grip of your hand could be felt turning numb.   I had failed you… You tried to grow roses in the desert; You tried to fill the empty can with nectar; You tried to warm my heart But I dried up the warmth of your heart And turned it into ice cold; Yet it is as pure as ever But sharp like a diamond. I failed you…   It is not easy to let go The hands that reached out to me; It is not easy to turn my back to Someone who paved my path; It is not easy to just walk away… But I have to walk away To liberate you, To liberate myself.   As I slowly walk away, You are standing there like a stone. I dare not to have a last glance For the fear of not letting you go, To tie and pull you along with me And turn you into a mons