
They are all trapped

inside themselves, 


there are no doors to escape,

there are no windows for light

there are no paths that are straight!

They wander around the wall

of their insides;

feeling like a Pandora Box

Full of sadness, badluck!!

All are hurt and are in pain

And all of them have their own reasoons;

Getting what they don't want 

or not getting what they want...


Are insides made of these 'wants'?

Desires of happiness, success, fame, money?

No space for life??

They are trapped inside themselves

and thrive to survive each day...

Surviving through each day is becoming life,

Finally, some of them realised this,

Soon the found this light of life in the heart;

Walls collapsed,

They are not trapped anymore,

They are outside now

Growing and glowing every second!

Still, other souls are yet to find the hope

that can light the path to life outside...

No one can help, but themselves

for those who are still trapped!!

- Pallavi Kabbinahithlu


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