A Chance to Apologize


There he stands again with a bouquet of daisies

that he could never give…

He was too late to get a chance to apologize…

Only teardrops were left to decorate that lifeless face;

Does he even deserve to stand there?!

He was blind to all the longings in the other’s eyes;

He was deaf to all the pleadings;

He was dumb when he was supposed to speak up for the other;

He was the one who mercilessly walked away

Leaving the other helpless,

Taking away the sole reason to survive!

His life changed forever at that moment…

The pages of the calendar keep turning,

But the page in the Book of Life never changed;

There is no color left to ink the pages…

The blue that dawned upon never vanished;

The season remained the same

Without the warmth of the sun,

Without the sweet aroma of blossoms,

Without the lullaby of birds,

Without the colorful butterflies…

Fate was so cruel to him that,

Even the magic of time didn’t work on him

Everything is as vivid as if it just happened…

There is no way to undo his doings.

Daily he sends silent prayers

to add the life the other had left to his life

So that, he can suffer a long life

Hoping to make up for a tiny bit of misery

that he had put the other through…


                                                -Panchami Kabbinahitlu



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